السبت، 17 يوليو 2010

Banana Mask



And a half cup of milk

crushing the banana
 The sealed milk and mix well.• distribute the mixture on the skin with a focus on the dark places in the skin.• leave for a quarter of an hour, then wash the face with water, but water is lukewarm.• Catcher de Bibid face, but I do not No, and the violin Peixbh softness and vitality is unprecedented.

Angelizip Fitness Tips

نصائح انجليزية للرشاقة
1. It is better dealt with four or five small meals a day, rather than three large meals ,it helps burn more calories.

2. Choose the type of food does not exceed the weight, and bitch about the species that

contain a large proportion of fat (calories from fat), carbohydrates and sugars.

3. Be proportional to the amount of food that you eat with the effort that Tbzlinh.

4. Eat on the dates fixed with to avoid eating anything between meals helps to keep That Brchaguetk.

5. If you are the kind that resorts to eat food when feeling kind of concern, Faqaomi this desire to occupy yourself with any manual labor.

6. It is important to devote some time daily to engage in some exercise, it helps to add flexibility to your body and keep Brchaguetk.

7. Make the main meal in the morning but at lunch and dinner meals and Vtnoli injuries.

8. Eat slowly, because given a chance to chew a good help to ease digestion.

9. Avoid soft drinks (calories in soft drinks) because they contain a large proportion of sugar, equivalent to each bottle you took the equivalent of a loaf and a half loaf of bread more than your weight. So best to drink water instead of these drinks or lemon juice or tamarind or hibiscus, provided that the percentage of sugar by the very light. Helps on the rim without compromising increase your weight.

10. When heated, cooked vegetables, it is advisable to get rid of fat frozen layer above,Thus, you get less fat percentage in the food.

Holder of peeling hands and Tenaimanma: -

Holder of peeling hands and Tenaimanma: -

1. Fresh lemon juice.
2. White sugar.
3. Tkhaltinhm with some of the dimensions Tafrkin Idekke well

A diet for the second week

صور تعالوا شوفوا صور قبل وبعد الريجيم طبعا في منتدى فتكات

Every day before breakfast, 2 cups water

Quraish quarter of a loaf of cheese or hard boiled egg or lettuce or an optionBetween breakfast and AlgdaCup orange juice

The first day

Algda / Quarterly relax boiled vegetable soup dish BalsairipAsha / quarter of a loaf of cheese triangles Orange
The second day

Algda / 2 grilled fish 6 tablespoons rice green = powerAsha / Apple Yogurt
The third day /

Algda / Grilled steak a quarter of a loaf of green powerAsha / authority fruit or fruit 2 different

The fourth day /

Algda / authority tuna quarter of a loaf or 1 toastAsha / 2 banana yogurt

The fifth day /

Algda / 2 grilled fish 6 tablespoons rice powerAsha / quarter of a loaf or slice of cheese triangles Turk
The sixth day /

Algda / vegetable Ni in the Ni P-oven steak or without a quarter of a loaf

Seventh Day Open

Important Tips for a successful diet

1 - Do not drink water during eating; drink water half an hour before eating and after eating an hour, taking into account a large amount of drinking water throughout the day, 1-2 L

2 - Do not drink all kinds of juice and carbonated drinks, juices reserved

3 - Do not eat onions and garlic Alny

4 - Do not eat Alhawwadq and fries

5 - 
Do not eat all types of sweets, chocolate and entertainers (nuts - Pulp

 Sudan - Thermos - chickpeas - Popcorn, corn


6 - Allowed in the case of hunger to eat any amount of (time - lettuce option - fruit - guava without sowing - pear - apple - banana)

Forbidden fruit /

Grape - Mango - Alkintlob - Melon - Balah - Teen - Strawberry

A diet for the first week

 3 tablespoons night (light milk sugar less) can be added tbsp Oats
Then a quarter of a loaf of cheese Quraish 1 option or arugula
Between breakfast and food
Lemon juice a day or forget (sugar light)
The first day / quarter loaf of vegetables in the Ne Ne slice of meat or without
The second day / 2 roast fish 8 tablespoons rice green power
The third day / vegetable soup Balsairip (ie quantity) of pieces of meat boiled with or without

The fourth day / authority Quraish cheese (sliced carrots, cucumbers and tomato) half a loaf
The fifth day / quarter relax boiled (or red P oven) a quarter of a loaf of green power
The sixth day / 2 roast fish a quarter of a loaf of green power to the authority outstanding eating Tahibp
The seventh day / open day
Between Algda and Asha
The fruit of any kind

Fruit medium apple or banana yogurt any size without u or yogurt Lite
(Forbidden to change or alter Asha)

On the Elimination of obesity ..

Reasons does not make you lose weight!
If you're someone who follows a diet specific and although this did not noticed a real difference in the reduction of weight? Perhaps the reason for this is that you focus only on what intake foods and drinks, and ignores several other reasons does not make you lose weight easily.

Most important of these reasons as follows:

1) lack of adequate sleep

If you do not sleep enough, your body will start to search for another way to create energy, that means that you will take up more food just to stay awake. Must sleep at least seven to nine hours a day at night.

2) anxiety and fatigue

Some people get concerned that many think of weight loss, and cause them to lack of sleep-like state Faisabon fatigue and frustration. The researchers advise these people not to think about the food and the creation of exercises employed and remove Alterhlat that cause them concern.

3) lack of exercise

Many people believe that if they have Exercise and Sport Visttion eating what they want, or if they tied themselves food diet without exercise, they will lose weight. The correct view is that eating healthy food must be accompanied by a sound exercise of the body to burn excess body and maintains the shape of the object consistent.
4) loss of hope quickly

Do not lose hope quickly, the body needs the time to get used to the new kind of food, do not pay your body of hunger that would lead to a negative result where the body begins to declare a state of emergency and store food, causing slow process of losing weight.

5) food as an enemy

The goal of weight loss is to get a healthy body, if we consider food an enemy. The food become the enemy when you eat heavy and unhealthy way. However, when determined by a healthy and reasonable, Yes, you will deal with what you want. Do not give up on the main meals, because without fuel your body will not work well and make the process of metabolism is slow.

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