السبت، 17 يوليو 2010

Fruit Smoothie Hair Mask

This mask sounds good enough to eat!
In a blender mix
  • a banana1/2,
  • 1/4 avocado,
  • 1/4 cantaloupe,
  • 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil
  • 1 tablespoon yogurt.
For extra conditioning, squeeze in the contents of a vitamin E capsule. Leave in hair for 15 minutes.
To polish up those patchy remnants of a tan, bring your loofah into the bath with you, and add one of these ingredients to speed up the exfoliating process:
3/4 cup of lemon juice added to your bath water helps to bleach a fading tan and smooth away flaky skin. Or, you can mix a paste with lemon juice plus salt or sugar. Leave on the skin for 30 minutes and rinse dry, dead skin off with it!
Oatmeal is great for soothing a sunburn as well as for exfoliating. Fill an old sock with oatmeal and swish it in your bath water; once it's softened up, you can then scrub your body with it.
Vinegar restores the acid balance of skin and also acts as a gentle exfoliant. Try adding 1 cup of raw apple cider vinegar to a lukewarm bath to ease the separation of peeling skin.
If you're still in a blotchy, in-between stage, you might also want to experiment with gentle self-tanners or bronzers to ease the transition.

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